Tuition & Fees

Tuition Payments:

All Tuition payments are paid through FACTS Tuition Management Program. We are unable to collect any tuition payments in the school office. Payments can be made by check, debit or credit card and are due on the 1st or 15th of the month depending on your preference. There is an annual billing fee of $45.00 per family and a late fee will be incurred for any account paid after the chosen due date.

The 2023 – 2024 term is now open for new families to begin registering.

Finalization Deadlines for the August 1st payment date:
July 11: Families who are invoiced
July 22: Families with automatic payments

Please review the FAQ (pdf)

logo FACTS PaymentPlan

Click to connect to FACTS and manage your account
For more information on FACTS Tuition Management, call 888-470-6008.

Tuition Fees:
Tuition & Fees are combined and billed in 10 monthly installments.  Bills are generated in July; payment begins in August and ends in May.

Note: Anyone registering after the first bill is generated in July must pay the first month tuition with registration & Guild fees. Students entering OLMC during the school year will be pro-rated.

Financial Policy & Detailed Fees for the 2024-2025 School Year (pdf) to download/print.

Fees at a Glance – Parishioner (Children Grade K – 8)

Monthly Payment
1 Child $734.05
2 Children $1,127.25
3 Children $1,402.95
4 Children $1,735.25

Fees at a Glance – Non-Parishioner (Children Grade K – 8)

1 Child $1,026.15
2 Children $1,581.15
3 Children $1,862.65
4 Children $2,154.65

For Pre-K rates, click here to download our Financial Police for 2024-2025